Applications for support and funding should be made to the secretary in writing, preferably by email to and should include a brief description of the project, together with a budget if appropriate.
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Grants have been made in the past to:
Imogen Hudson-Clayton, a young actress from Sidmouth, currently studying drama at the Rose Bruford College in Kent, was awarded a grant of £200 towards her accommodation in Edinburgh to enable her to take part in the college students' Burning Oak Theatre Company production of Novemberunderground at the Edinburgh Fringe. Here, in Imogen's words, is what the experience meant to her:
"Looking back at my time over The Fringe seems a bit of a blur. It was long days, performing the show at 10.45pm and flyering on the Mile during the afternoon, so all the days seem to merge into one. However, it was perhaps the biggest learning curve I have had as an actress since beginning my training. The month-long run of Novemberunderground is the longest run I have done in front of a paying audience. But, what seemed to be a daunting prospect at the beginning of the month became second nature by the end of it. I became confident in my warm up routine and how to use the space we were performing in (a dark, damp venue located underneath a bridge; fitting for the play itself), and grew aware of the areas I need to improve on going into my third year of training. The trust that was built between the company was essential to putting on a good performance and allowing the audience in to the story of the play. Learning how to work as an ensemble company who are solely responsible for all areas of the production from the writing, directing and acting of it, right through to the lighting, set and most importantly trying to get the bums on seats, was perhaps the biggest eye opener of all. Throughout drama school one gets taught how to make one's own individual actor's process stronger but you don't get taught how to be a team player or how to work as a company, that is something you have to learn yourself. It was tough at times, there were a few disagreements, and then it was great fun at others, receiving 4 and 5 star reviews and celebrating as a company in the Abatoir (a bar, especially for company members at The Fringe).
During the month I also saw some amazing Theatre ranging from Circus performances to Children's Theatre and One Woman shows (all that inspired me greatly) to Comedy. The city itself is a beautiful place and one that, due to my time and experience there, I will always think fondly of.
Thank you so much to all those who helped support me and the the rest of Burning Oak Theatre Company on our journey to Edinburgh."
An update from Imogen - February 2014
A lot of the first term at school has been spent doing mock auditions in front of industry professionals varying from singing auditions in front of the casting director of Regents Park, Shakespeare speeches in front of the head of casting for the RSC and readings of new writing with various directors and practitioners.
At every Drama school across the UK four students get chosen to represent their school in the BBC radio competition called Carleton Hobbs. Every person in my year auditioned to be a member of the team in which we had to perform 2 monologues and a duologue in the radio studio, each varying in style and accent. The next day the team was then announced in which myself and 3 men were chosen. We are now currently rehearsing every Monday and Friday in preparation for the competition against the other Drama schools, in which one person will be chosen to receive a 6 month contract with BBC radio.
Alongside this I have also been cast as Anne Boleyn in the play 'Anne Boleyn' by Howard Brenton. We have been rehearsing for three weeks and the play will be put on at the end of February. This is a chance for me to invite agents along to see my work in the hope of getting signed and thus represented by an agency who will put me forward for work with casting directors and theatre companies. The role of Anne Boleyn is perhaps the biggest part I have played, a beautiful and challenging character, which I have been lucky to receive and greatly look forward to playing as a way to round off my training.
In August 2012 Matt Colson (far left) from Sidmouth was awarded £200 from Sidvale Community Productions to take part in the National Musical Youth Theatre. Following his audition in February in Cardiff, Matt was selected to take part in a new musical According to Brian Haw. Matt spent two weeks in Leeds rehearsing the piece before it transferred to the Square Chapel Theatre in Halifax for a run of three nights.
According to Brian Haw is an epic story about three young people affected by war, set against the backdrop of Brian’s personal struggle. This piece explored current and relevant political issues through human stories and asked questions about humankind and it's responsibility to others. This gave young people the chance to contribute to the piece in response to recent political events.
Matt says: "I had a great experience with the group. I played several roles and this challenged my acting skills and my singing. I met a great bunch of talented young people and made some fabulous new friends. I learnt a lot whilst with the group and had a lot of fun – even though it was really hard work. The experience has helped me think more about musical theatre as a potential career. I'd like to thank the SVCP for their very kind and generous donation."
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