The Digital Age
Blackmore Theatre, Exmouth
The Digital Age is a comedy by Christine Hardy and features two 60-something characters, Cath (Christine Hardy) and Stan (Cecil Hardy) who are battling with their own mortality and their digital box server! Their neighbour May (Val Goodwin) offers support and the TV technicians add both good (Alexa Baker) and bad (Alex Morton) service.
The Digital Age is SVCP's entry in the Exmouth One Act Play Festival, part of the All England Theatre Festival, a national competition.
In the first heat on Wednesday 17th April the play won Best Original Script and Best Play and was nominated for Best Director (Marc Colson), Best Actress (Chris), Best Actor (Cec), Best Supporting Actor (Val), Most Exciting Production, Most Enjoyable Play and Best Runner-Up.
The play was selected by the National Drama Festivals Association to compete with eight other groups in the 2013 British All Winners Festival, held in Teignmouth in July.
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